Scorpio Season, Transformation, and Rebirth

There’s been a persistent theme among the people and situations I’ve been encountering this past week, and that is transformation. Rebirth. The metaphor of the butterfly has come up a few times in different conversations too. The process of transformation, the painful time in the chrysalis where the caterpillar turns into literal goo, completely unrecognizable as any form of life... it’s just goo. But it’s in that darkness, the chaos, the destruction within that seemingly lifeless goo, where the miracle of transformation and creation is taking place. Have you ever witnessed the emergence of a butterfly? It’s painstaking and long, and I’ve been told that as much as we might want to intervene to help it, to speed up the process, we shouldn’t, because we risk doing it more harm than good. We have to be patient with the process as the butterfly, once a caterpillar, rebirths itself into its new way of being.

It’s also not lost on me that we’re transiting a Scorpio stellium right now. (Sun, Mercury, Venus) and approaching a total lunar eclipse in Taurus on 11/08.

With the general intensity of Scorpio season and the instability of an eclipse season, there could be a chaotic type of energy (Mars, ancient ruler of Scorpio, in retrograde), destruction, endings (Pluto, modern ruler of Scorpio). This is not to be feared. Instead, we’re reminded of the cyclical nature of life. It’s often said that we die and are reborn many times in our lives. In the process of our personal evolution, there are parts of us - beliefs, habits, narratives - that we must allow to die so that we can continue to grow, and to LIVE. The trees shed leaves in the Fall so that new ones can arrive in the Spring. The cells in our bodies are constantly dying and new ones are being formed. We slough dead skin so that new skin can emerge. Sometimes, relationships that are no longer in service to us must fall away, but it opens space for authentic, fulfilling ones. I am personally allowing my self-limiting beliefs to die, allowing me to embody my power and magic fully and without apology. Is there anything that your spirit is calling on you to let die away in service of your personal evolution?

Raven Bee

Founder of Raven Bee Rose Healing Arts

A Sanctuary For Inner Healing and Self-Empowerment

Breathwork | Astrology | Psycho-Spirituality



Adulting with Childhood Trauma