Spring Equinox and Eclipse Season Forecast (continued)

The first eclipse of the year is upon us, are you ready?

The cardinal signs - Aries + Libra and Cancer + Capricorn - are most impacted by this eclipse cycle, with the south node (what we’re called to release) in the sign of Libra, and the north node (what we’re called to grow towards) in the sign of Aries.  

First, we have the Spring Equinox on March 19. In the northern hemisphere we’re ready to Spring into creation, newness, and rebirth, after what feels like an especially heavy winter.  

A few days later, eclipse season begins with a Lunar Eclipse at 9:53 pm (Pacific) on Sunday, March 24, peaking at exactly 12:12 am early on March 25.  The season ends with a powerful total solar eclipse on Monday, April 8, reaching totality at 11:18 am.  

With the Lunar Eclipse happening in the sign of Libra, and also considering the numerology of the number 12, we are being asked to embrace completion, surrender. To close a cycle on things -- people, places, dynamics -- that are keeping us weighed down or feeling stuck, all in the interest of making space for what’s NEW and aligned with our soul’s calling.  

I know it’s hard to think about letting something go, especially if it’s something (or someone) you’ve invested your energy into.  This might be where your faith and practicing the art of surrender will serve you.  Perhaps consider reflecting:

  1. What’s feeling stagnant in my life right now? 

  2. If I let it go, what renewal am I creating space for? 

  3. What’s lighting my soul up right now? 

  4. How can I make space for that?

Here’s the area of life where you might expect to experience some shifts, or a letting go, based on your rising sign, but you can also check your Sun sign:

Fixed Signs:

Taurus - if you’re feeling bored with the daily grind, it might be time to change something up in your daily routine.  Enjoy some quiet solitude and give yourself permission to daydream and connect with your higher Source.  

Scorpio - You might be feeling bogged down with some heavy sad girl emotions right now.  If you’re struggling with some type of disillusionment or if unhealthy coping mechanisms are keeping you stuck, consider what changes you can make in your daily routine.  Ground into your present by connecting with your physical body.  

Leo - Intellectually understimulated?  Maybe feeling uninspired and ... bored?  Maybe it’s time for some exploration.  Let your passions be the compass for your next grand adventure! 

Aquarius - If you’re feeling weighed down or overwhelmed by the injustices we continue to witness, consider where or how you can strike a balance between your mental wellbeing and your advocacy.  Even you can’t solve the world’s problems; we need you for the long game.  

Cardinal signs: 

Aries - toxic, co-dependent relationships that have caused a loss of identity in the other.  Self-abandonment wounds.  Who’s holding you back and keeping you playing small for their comfort?  

Libra - identity and Self-realization.  Hyper-independence or other behavior patterns that separate or close you off from others.  “Know thy Self.”  If you’ve been self-abandoning or dissociating to protect your heart, it might be time to come back to your Self.  Open your heart to receive the love you desire.  You’re worthy of it! 

Cancer - home life, mental, spiritual or emotional, subconscious wounds.  Past wounds  perhaps relating to the Mother Wound or matriarchal lineage.  It might be time to let go of your need for nurturing and to take action towards your career goals.  

Capricorn - career and public image.  How are you being perceived and how is that preventing you from progressing?  What subconscious wounds or behavior patterns might be coming to the surface that require your attention?  

Of course, these are general readings and there’s a lot of nuance to consider in a personal chart. Would you love a personalized forecast? Schedule a natal chart reading with me this month through April and you will also receive a bonus gift from me!

Raven Bee

Founder of Raven Bee Rose Healing Arts

A Sanctuary For Inner Healing and Self-Empowerment

Breathwork | Astrology | Psycho-Spirituality


A People-Pleaser's Guide to Reclaiming Their Power


March Energy: Embrace what’s new with the Spring Equinox and Lunar Eclipse