A People-Pleaser's Guide to Reclaiming Their Power

Most of us enjoy making others happy, yeah? But there's a fine line between being a loving nurturer and chronic people-pleasing.  And here's the thing: being a chronic people-pleaser isn't sustainable. It leads to burnout, resentment, and feeling like you're constantly running on empty.

Here are a few signs that you might be a chronic people-pleaser: 

  • You struggle to make decisions. You're constantly seeking approval or validation from others before making a move.

  • You feel invisible, even when surrounded by people you love. You put everyone else's needs before your own, but no one’s tending to your needs.

  • You go out of your way to be liked by everyone. Your desire to belong has you bending over backwards to feel accepted by as many people as possible.

  • You go "all-in" for everyone until you feel depleted or physically unable to meet external demands. You say "yes" to everything, even if it means sacrificing your own well-being.

  • You measure your worth strictly by how much you're able to do for others. You believe your value lies in your ability to help and serve others.

  • You're afraid to voice your opinion if it goes against the consensus. You shrink away or bite your tongue when you disagree, just to keep the peace.

Redirecting Your Patterns: The First Steps Towards Liberation

  • Practice saying "no." It might not feel easy at first. Start small by declining invitations to events you're not interested in or saying no to favors that don't feel right.  You don't need an elaborate excuse, just a simple "no" is enough.

  • Ask yourself what YOU want first. Before agreeing to anything, check in with yourself and see how it aligns with your own needs and desires.

  • Listen to the wisdom of your body.  If you're tired, rest. If you're hungry, eat. If you need a break, take one. Your body is your most reliable guide.

The Hardest Part (and the Biggest Reward)

Changing deeply ingrained patterns isn't easy. And as you evolve, so will the way you relate to yourself and to others. This means you’ll likely lose some relationships along the way as you prioritize your needs. But don't be discouraged! This isn't about pushing people away; it's about being an energetic magnet for the “right” people to come into your sphere.

Self-Love and Self-Respect: Your New Compass

This leg of your hero’s journey is all about self-love and self-respect. Love yourself enough to advocate for your emotional needs. Respect yourself enough to not allow others to drain you of your light. It's not selfish; it's necessary.  When you create emotional safety for yourself, it radiates outward and into your relationships with the people who genuinely care for you and are invested in your happiness as much as you are in theirs.  

Your light is precious. Don't let anyone dim it. The world needs your authentic, radiant self.

Ready to break free from people-pleasing and step into your power? Choose your path to empowerment: Find your soul-crew and experience the healing embrace of a community that celebrates authenticity, or begin your deeply personal journey of soul-discovery through hybrid group and one-to-one mentorship and guidance with me. Book a pressure-free call with me to learn about my community and individualized offers.

Raven Bee

Founder of Raven Bee Rose Healing Arts

A Sanctuary For Inner Healing and Self-Empowerment

Breathwork | Astrology | Psycho-Spirituality


Spring Equinox and Eclipse Season Forecast (continued)