Pisces Season and Saturnian Struggles

Just like that, Aquarius season is done, seemingly in the blink of an eye, and we’re entering the dream-like waters of Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac. Currently, Saturn is hanging out in the sign of Pisces, having made its entrance last March, and is projected to remain there until early 2026.

In this post we’re going to explore two of the many ways Saturn's energy manifests in our lives. Whether Saturn's influence is directly impacting you, or if you feel like you’re barely treading through tumultuous waters, I'll provide practical tips for grounding so that you don’t get swept away by the emotional currents associated with an especially intense Pisces season.

Saturn, traditionally considered a “Malefic” planet, is associated with strict discipline, hard lessons, and restriction.  A favorite analogy I like to refer to when thinking about the Saturnian archetype is strict dad energy.  He loves you and wants what’s best for you and he will lead you to get there, and he doesn’t necessarily care about coddling or nurturing your feelings.  In essence, when Saturn comes around to influence our evolutionary path, it’s because he’s here to test us before rewarding us.  

What’s your rising sign?

Cancer risings might be experiencing a crisis of faith that would have begun around last Spring.  Many of us are finding ourselves disillusioned by belief systems and ideologies we once held onto for a sense of belonging, safety, or security, leaving us feeling confused, lost, and even spiritually or emotionally displaced. 

Personally, as a Cancer rising currently experiencing my Saturn opposition (which means the transiting Saturn is directly opposite my natal Saturn), it’s been an extremely challenging time: grief and loss over disillusionment and betrayals, old stories and patterns that I thought I’d healed through have resurfaced; nothing felt easy and my anxiety was constantly taunting me, tempting me to give up on everything I’ve been working so hard towards.

What’s your Saturn sign?

Folks whose natal Saturn is in Pisces or Virgo are probably especially going through it right now.  With natal Saturn in Pisces, it’s called a Saturn return, and if in Virgo (like mine), it’s called a Saturn opposition.  Both of these events are creating tension, high anxiety, and bringing us hard lessons, wreaking havoc on the nervous system. 

*Even though I’m only talking about 3 of the signs here, know that everyone feels the effects of Saturn’s movements at any given time, including its current transit in Pisces; just to varying degrees and timing.  It’s based on the nuance of your individual birth chart.  

What you can do

Remember that Saturn brings us wisdom through hard lessons: we are being asked to notice our patterns that keep us locked in the same stories and patterns that keep us feeling stuck, and to commit to doing the work to set ourselves free. This is not an easy task but one that is necessary.    Saturn wants us to understand that while awareness is a start, it’s not the solution.  The solution is in action.  

With Saturn in Pisces, this is going to feel especially challenging because we’d probably prefer to avoid the discomfort of this growth by any means necessary, and the challenge is to not do that.  Rather, we’re being challenged to learn how to sit with the discomfort in order to learn, grow and evolve out of our self-imposed restrictions.  Easier said than done, I know.  But here are some simple daily practices you can try  to create a sense of calm and centeredness, enabling you to address your challenges with improved clarity and self-assurance: 

  • Body-based practices, like breathwork (my favorite!)

  • Meditation or prayer

  • Journaling

  • Creative play

  • Intuitive movement, like dancing, shaking, or tapping

The process of regulating the nervous system is foundationally important in supporting your journey of self-discovery and growth. Through Self-compassion AND intentional action, you’ll be able to navigate these cosmic currents with greater resilience and clarity.

If you’re ready to dive deeper into your chart and how to work with Saturn to unlock your code to the life you crave, work with me.

Raven Bee

Founder of Raven Bee Rose Healing Arts

A Sanctuary For Inner Healing and Self-Empowerment

Breathwork | Astrology | Psycho-Spirituality


Three Tips for Working with the Energy of Saturn in Pisces


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