Three Tips for Working with the Energy of Saturn in Pisces

Poet Robert Frost said in his famous poem Servant of Servants, “the only way out is through,” and that couldn’t be more true this Pisces season, as Saturn slowly makes its way through the most emotional sign of the zodiac.  Consider some patterns, narratives, or situations that you’ve been working through that started around last Spring.  If you’re noticing a familiar theme, it’s possible there’s a lesson you’re being called to address.  Saturn’s role is to bring karmic patterns to the surface for us to deal with until the lesson finally “clicks” and we make different choices.  

Embrace the flowing waters of Pisces and surrender what no longer serves your highest good to the current; this is a season for diving into the realm of dreams, intuition, and nurturing your spiritual growth. Here are three tips to guide you through this season's currents:

  1. Practice Surrender: Pisces can teach us a lot about the profound beauty of surrendering to life’s ebbs and flows. Under Saturn's influence, surrender becomes a potent tool to support. It takes boundless courage to trust that we’re being guided by what lies beyond what we can see. It’s a practice, but surrender will open your heart to change while cultivating grace and emotional resilience at the same time.

  2. Nurture Your Dreams: Now is the time to dive deep into the depths of your soul and nurture your innermost dreams and desires. In partnership with Saturn, we are encouraged to ground our visions into practical and actionable steps. Be clear in your intention AND embrace the concept of discipline as an act of Self-compassion.  This is about progress, not perfection.  One small step every day can take you leaps and bounds further than overwhelming yourself with the grandiosity of your dreams, without the discipline of tethering them into the tangible.

  3. Practice Compassion: As the empathic waters of Pisces flow through our hearts, Saturn reminds us of the importance of cultivating compassion towards ourselves and others. Let compassion be your compass and your wayfinder. Be patient with yourself as you navigate these deeply emotional and tumultuous times, AND allow your compassion to compel you into action. It’s through compassion (not empathy) where real change and healing can take place, within and without.

What are some ways you can practice Self-compassion this season?

Are you ready to dive deeper into your Cosmic Blueprint to learn what Saturn is calling on you to heal?   

This Pisces season, when you schedule a 90-minute natal chart reading, I’m gifting a written personalized monthly forecast for the astrological year (April 2024 - Match 2025).  Limited sessions available.  

Schedule a natal chart reading with me.  

Raven Bee

Founder of Raven Bee Rose Healing Arts

A Sanctuary For Inner Healing and Self-Empowerment

Breathwork | Astrology | Psycho-Spirituality

Organize Your Relationships with the Full Moon in Virgo


Pisces Season and Saturnian Struggles