Organize Your Relationships with the Full Moon in Virgo

This weekend’s Full Moon in Virgo is calling on us to evaluate and start to organize.  In the Northern Hemisphere, we’re gradually waking from our winter slumber, and this month’s illumination reminds us in the most lovingly direct Virgo way, that it’s time to stop effing around.  While we’re still in Pisces season, we’re called to go inward; to surrender to the  watery flow of your emotions (and stay grounded so you don’t get swept away by them), and to release what’s burdening your physical, emotional, and spiritual body.  This includes habits, thought patterns, relationship dynamics, or people.

We might not often consider relationship dynamics and people in the context of organizing, but it only makes sense that as you evolve, you’ll begin to relate to people differently, and they’ll also relate to you differently.  Getting “organized” about the time and energy you invest in folks will ensure you’re nurturing yourself too.  Here are six tips to help:

  1. Pisces season might be calling you inward.  Take some time to connect with your Self and tune into your inner wisdom or the source of your highest truth.  Be gentle with your Self as you navigate the complexities of human connections.  Healing from attachment and relationship wounds starts with Self-compassion.  

  2. Reflect on your relationships. Are they reciprocal and supportive, or draining? Some connections have an expiration date; trust the wisdom of your heart to discern which ones deplete you of your energy, and which ones nurture your spirit.

  3. Set or reset your boundaries: Setting healthy boundaries is an act of self-care. Communicating your needs openly and assertively honors your emotional and mental wellness while fostering a mutual respect and understanding with the people you care about.

  4. Do your part to nurture the relationships that matter to you:  Check in with your peeps.  Have meaningful conversations that mutually fill each others’ cups, and make it a priority to spend quality time together. 

  5. Work with the energy of the Full Moon to release what’s stagnant, allowing space for the new to take root.  Journal, meditate, practice some breathwork, or pick your favorite Full Moon ritual for energetic clearing.  

  6. Trust in the ebb + flow of your relationships.  Just like our Mother Moon, relationships have cycles and phases too.  On a New Moon, we don’t see it in the night sky, but we know it’s there.  Trust in the strength of the bonds you’ve co-created with your closest kin, and trust in your innermost wisdom to discern when a new beginning might be in your best interest.

How are your current relationships nurturing your spirit?

Of course if you’re ready to dive deeper on how cultivate fulfilling relationships with others through deep inner healing, work with me.

Raven Bee

Founder of Raven Bee Rose Healing Arts

A Sanctuary For Inner Healing and Self-Empowerment

Breathwork | Astrology | Psycho-Spirituality

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